Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Cá Nấu Thì Là

2 white perch
5 roman tomatos, skinned off
2 cups dill, cut into 2-inches lenghts
2 scallion, cut into 1-inch lenghts
1 T fish sauce
pepper to taste

Put a medium pot of water (about 6-8 cups) on high flame, bring to boil.
Wash tomatoes, cut stem end, and core an X through the skin on the other end. Blanch them in boiling water for 5-30 seconds. Check the skin on the X, if it looks like it's peeling away then take them out, peel the skin off in cold water. Put the peeled tomatoes back in the pot, turn to medium-low heat, cook for 10-15 minutes.
Add the fish in, cook for 6 more minutes. Skim off scum. add fish sauce and pepper. Add scallion and dill in. Taste.

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