Monday, April 11, 2005

Bò Thuôn Hành Răm

1 lb flap beef chuck steak, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cup Vietnamese coriander leaves, thinly sliced
2 Mexican green onion, quartered white heads, thinly sliced green leaves.
1 serrano chile, sliced
Sea salt, sugar and pepper to taste
1 t. fish sauce

Marinate beef with fish sauce, garlic and fresh ground pepper.
In a medium pot, add 4 cups of water, bring to boil over high heat, add 1/2 t. salt. Scoop beef into the boiling water, skimm off scum. Add onion white head first, then the green and coriander leaves. Salt, sugar, pepper to taste. Add sliced serrano chile on top, serve hot.

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