Friday, July 06, 2007

Rau Dền Luộc Chan Sốt

Chinese Spinach with Tomato Sauce

1 bunch Chinese Spinach (Amaranth)
1 tomato, chopped
1/4 onion, chopped
3 oz ground pork
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 T ketchup
2 green onion, chopped
1/2 T vegetable oil
fish sauce, sugar, pepper

Cut off the wooden part of the lower stems of the chinese spinach, remove dead leaves. Soak in water to remove sand and dirt. Wash thoroughly.

In a medium pot, fill enough water to cover the spinach, add some salt, bring to boil. Add Chinese spinach, bring back to boil and cook for 3-5 more minutes, drain.

Tomato Pork Sauce (Sốt thịt băm)
In a small sauce pan, heat oil over medium heat, add garlic to cook until fragant. Add tomato and onion in, stir to mix well and cook for 5 minutes, add ground pork in, stir well to cook, add ketchup, fish sauce, sugar and pepper to taste. Add green onion.
Pour sauce over spinach or put in a small dip bowl to serve.


  1. Anonymous11:29 PM

    mo+'i ngu? da^.y ... ddi la`m ve^` la(n ra ngu?, gio+` tre^~ qua' ro^`i cha? bie^'t se~ a(n gi` ... probably chinese behind my house ... no cooking tonight heh heh... rau de^`n nghe`o qua' mi`nh cu~ng kho^ng tha^'y the`m thuo^`ng :-D

  2. Rau dền nghèo mà ăn trôi cơm bạo đó à. Thông lệ thì mình không nấu ăn thứ 6 (ngày ăn chực) nhưng ăn chực 2 ngày nay rồi giờ thèm thèm cơm.
